He later said that while visiting the house he was overcome by an unearthly voice who told him to jump out of the window.
From the shower came humming in a key too, high for the unearthly voice.
It was the same unearthly voice she'd heard talking to the dog.
The poodle barked a couple of times and the unearthly voice was talking to it, muffled.
She begins hearing a beautiful, unearthly voice which sings to her and speaks to her.
Someone who spoke in a grating, unearthly voice - guttural and cruel.
At the sound of that snapping susurration, the unearthly voice resonated into the room again.
Its unearthly singsong voice resonated in the suddenly quiet room.
She could tell by Duac's expression that the harsh, unearthly voice was rebounding also in his mind.