Mary Chen was uneasily conscious of the fact that she wasn't trained for anything like this.
On the other she was uneasily conscious that Theresa was a most unsuitable wife for a quiet country doctor.
Uneasily conscious of some estrangement between them, Horace spoke again.
She was uneasily conscious of her own response.
He stepped forward, hands in the air and uneasily conscious of how his testicles were trying to crawl up into his stomach.
He rested, chest heaving, uneasily conscious of his physical limitations.
Uneasily conscious of those near walls and the ceiling pressing down at him, Ptath stared at the food on the table.
So the bishop goes on with his role, but uneasily conscious of the contempt of intellectual people.
Jack was uneasily conscious of his two legs fluttering out behind him in the water.
He was uneasily conscious that to invite such a likeable rival to settle in the Island might well prove against his own interests.