However, the unedited copy of the "Hate Me Now" video made its way to MTV.
For decades, unedited copies of the film could not be seen in the United States.
I'll read each story more than once, perhaps in various stages, from unedited copy to finished product.
During this interview in the Karachi safe house Mohammed gave Fouda an unedited copy of the video of the beheading of American journalist Daniel Pearl.
Acting as his own lawyer, the confessed member of Al Qaeda has asked that he be given an unedited copy of the January transcript.
Service members are given the option of accepting the edited, unedited or both copies upon separation.
You have unedited copy, partial manuscripts and proposals floating around town.
But rest assured: a few days of being forced to read unedited copy will bring this country to its knees.
Typically, such titles indicate that the text is from an unedited copy of the first edition, published 1830 by Egbert Grandin in Palmyra, New York.
To deposit a work, the author must lodge a deposit application, along with an unedited copy signed by each author at their nearest SIAE branch.