The aim of the installation was to present the story of Apollo in as unedited and unfiltered form as possible.
It was also released in an unedited form on iTunes.
This LP features both songs in their full, unedited forms.
Only a handful of episodes are presented in their original unedited form.
"Submarine" was later released in its unedited form on Genesis 1976-1982.
The song first appeared in unedited form without overdubs on the 1991 box set Star Time.
In 1991 the recording was released in unedited form at its original speed on the box set Star Time.
Brian Roehrkasse, a department spokesman, said many of the documents, in unedited form, had already been reviewed at the department by Congressional staff members.
It seems highly unlikely that Police Camera Action will be aired in its original, unedited form.
There are also cases of shows that only exist in their raw, unedited form.