It was Charlotte Bain, a 21-year-old uneducated deaf girl without speech.
'You are an ignorant, uneducated girl and now you've delivered your message, you'd better leave.'
She's only a girl, an uneducated little Dutch girl.
He found himself teamed with a scientifically uneducated girl and a crackpot.
I was a poor, uneducated, unbefriended, mountain girl, raised from nothingness by him.
Archana is uneducated girl, who takes care of her family and thinks about them first.
Yet it never gets much attention, because the victims tend to be the least powerful people in these societies: poor and uneducated rural girls.
But in a Cambodian village, nobody listens to an uneducated teenage girl.
In this context Irina Kozlok was a threat, an uneducated girl from where was it?
The majority of these uneducated girls are concentrated in rural areas, especially in Upper Egypt.