Quite a lot to absorb for a young man relatively naive and uneducated.
But, after all, the colour makes the only difference between him and uneducated men of the same class.
For Chelsea, "uneducated men" was the worst image she could conjure.
I may be a joker, but I'm not an uneducated man.
Though an uneducated man, Chavez was not a stupid one.
"Do you realize that you talk like an uneducated man at times?"
Altogether there were not twenty witnesses of this affair, and those for the most part uneducated men.
No wonder that these uneducated men saw magic at work and were scared.
But the peasant was a simple uneducated man; he could not imagine how to do such a thing.
I, too, want to believe that an uneducated man wrote the plays, Virginia.