At least 37 million people lack health insurance, a number bound to grow if unemployment increases.
Outrage comes from the rest of the country as unemployment increases and the recession deepens.
The increase was smaller than the 0.5 percent increase in June, and many economists expect wage growth to remain mild as unemployment increases.
Abhisit's government saw unemployment increase by 63 percent.
If banks are not capitalized sufficiently to lend, economic activity slows and unemployment increases, which further increase the number of foreclosures.
As unemployment increases, people spend less.
Scholars and officials have been concerned for some time about the emergence of an angry underclass in Indonesia's major cities, particularly if unemployment increases.
Prices for goods fall, people lose their jobs so unemployment increases.
After 50 years of minimum-wage coverage, only once - during the 1974-75 recession - did unemployment increase.
As unemployment increases and another batch of students floods the market, employers are beginning to notice increasingly desperate interview techniques among candidates.