According to Strickland, "Deportations have helped create an 'unending chain' of gang members moving between the U.S. and Central America.
That meant a shift from optimism to pessimism, from a belief that art and social action could make for a better world to a near-Buddhistic despair that life was an unending chain of suffering.
One wrong deed leads on to other wrong deeds, like unending chain.
The voices in the room sounded enormously distant and babbled impossible, unending chains of hissing and buzzing consonants.
The indictment accused the main defendants, including Talaat, of being "mired in an unending chain of bloodthirstiness, plunder and abuses".
It was a sadism marked by an unending chain of physical and mental tortures, the likes of which no language in the world can express.
Each doghouse relayed the same signal in an unending chain that gradually spread all over the world-- wherever doghouses could be found.
But you, little infant-woman with your first victory, you must make your love-life an unending chain of victories.
Mr. Parks - the author of six novels, including "Goodness" and "Family Planning" - splendidly characterizes his Italian neighbors and their hang-ups: almost everybody seems obsessed by health worries, keeping doctors and pharmacists busy with an unending chain of tests.
For Indians, the pilgrimage disaster was only the most recent of a seemingly unending chain of calamities, mostly man-made, that march briefly into the national consciousness, and fade almost as quickly as a new shock comes along.