They came in answer, moving through the light, one, two-more of them until they stood in an unending line, stretching back into obscurity.
Dixon thought about Cerro's question as he turned and looked at the unending line of trucks moving east.
The symbols etched into the crystal showed clearly now against the background-two teardrop shapes scribed in unending lines.
Honkers spilled out, reminding him of the tiny circus cars from which a seemingly unending line of clowns emerged.
The Nizari line of Imams has continued to this day as an unending line.
Now the movie marquees came one after another in a seemingly unending line on both sides of the street.
One long, unending line of regular red stitches, interlocking the two halves of the skin of the world to make a single whole.
Bioroids mounted on their Hoverplatforms were disgorged from the ships in a seemingly unending line.
They seemed part of a seemingly unending line of dirt-encrusted humanity.
I am sure to be disappointed, she thought as she stared at sunlight glaring off the unending line of cars.