The efforts made by developing countries would be more effective if unequal exchange were reduced, protectionism decreased and debt renegotiated.
This price 'scissors' reflected the unequal exchange between 'town'and 'country'.
His main contributions are on international economic relations and the problems of unequal exchange.
Although periphery nations are exploited by core countries,there is a purpose to the unequal exchanges of goods.
In that case, the concept of "unequal exchange" can only refer to unfair trading practices, such as:
Marx however also notes that unequal exchange occurs through production differentials as between different nations.
The second criticism is that even although unequal exchange can be proved to occur, it is preferable to no trade at all.
Richard Brown, The theory of unequal exchange : the end of the debate?
At this stage, the role of unequal exchange in the entire relationship of dependency cannot be underestimated.
This takes transporters with unequal exchanges into account.