This captive population comprised 14 founders that have an unequal number of descendants.
An ion has unequal numbers of protons and electrons.
There may be some exceptions where groups have unequal numbers.
Although point totals determine final standings, they are often misleading during the season when teams have played an unequal number of games.
Due to economic issues, the cup was cut short with teams playing an unequal number of games.
Surgeon 1 walked up and looked down at Jeff, who felt cowed by the unequal numbers and strange appearances.
Its ancient wards have very unequal numbers of voters.
Can borough presidents still wield significant power if they represent unequal numbers of people?
Where the teams played an unequal number of games, their final points were calculated on a pro-rata basis.
There are also spreads in which unequal number of options are simultaneously purchased and written.