Caperton expresses concern about unequal educational opportunity, and he led an effort to encourage students at middle schools to go to college, particularly the least advantaged.
The Court found that segregated school systems were unconstitutional because separate schools for blacks and whites provided inherently unequal educational opportunities.
In previous decades, this was mostly due to barriers to entry and unequal opportunities for women.
Other issues can include abuse of women's human rights and unequal opportunities given in education, employments or the rights to be born.
Years of unequal educational opportunities have led to a deficient public education system, especially in rural areas.
We are talking about students having had unequal opportunities to demonstrate that ability.
He asks the question, "Why do poverty and unequal opportunity persist in the lives of so many African Americans?"
The main reason for the low education rates in Africa is the lack of proper schooling facilities and unequal opportunity for education across countries.
He said he had been a victim of unequal educational opportunity as a child.
They have had the curse of low expectations and unequal opportunities.