The movie turns into a ritualized battle between unequal partners.
Assume there are two unequal partners in the partnership.
Your people and mine, each for our own evolutionary reasons, mate with vastly unequal partners.
During this period, British foreign and economic policies began treating India as an unequal partner for the first time.
An important aspect of alliances - like alliances in international politics - is that they frequently are between highly unequal partners.
It is because of the principle that when you marry you are equal, not unequal partners.
The account of a race between unequal partners has attracted conflicting interpretations.
We therefore demand that the existence of unequal partners be taken into account, together with a reform of international financial institutions.
As afternoon newspapers lose circulation, they have become unequal partners in joint operating agreements.
A contract between unequal partners means domination by one party on the other, he said in a statement.