Falsification is offered by alternative, unequivocally supported predictions that are incompatible with the original ones.
A Roman Catholic, he unequivocally supports a woman's right to an abortion.
The distance measurement and the calculations of the burst's total energy release unequivocally supported the latter theory, effectively ending the debate.
About the only part of the bill that most advocates seemed to support unequivocally was a provision to end the barracks-style shelters for families.
"I unabashedly, unashamedly, unequivocally support the explosion of entrepreneurs in the capitalist system," he says.
But I certainly could not support unequivocally every aspect of legislation behind each idea within the contract.
He said a McGreevey administration would unequivocally support the proposal.
She said that she unequivocally supported the plan to cut off war financing next spring.
Mr. Yeltsin unequivocally supports a non-aggressive foreign policy.
This approach requires that analysts extrapolate a program's scope, scale, pace and direction beyond what the hard evidence at hand unequivocally supports.