He worries that such complexity will lead to uneven application of the law by employers, which was a main reason for the amendments.
The uneven application of new security measures is causing confusion for travel managers trying to advise employees traveling on business, she said.
The uneven application of corporal punishment has also fueled the trend to ban it, educators said.
The problem this time was not so much a total absence of quiet playing (though there was precious little) as its uneven application.
Complicating matters is an uneven application of the law that may puzzle many New Yorkers.
Minorities are most likely to fall victim to the uneven application of capital punishment.
The most important lesson of the investigation, whose results were reported yesterday, involves the uneven application of Florida's ballot laws.
Their complaints provide a window on social conflicts in China today, and the uneven application of law.
The potential mischief of uneven application that such a doctrine opens up was examined earlier.
A substantial percentage of black men and women with criminal records is linked to the uneven application of our current drug laws.