Shortly after the Big Bang, the universe contained an uneven landscape of dark matter.
If you put the small snapshots together, an uneven landscape does emerge, with remarkable similarity to the kind of thinking that dominated the cold war.
The contrast between the two classes is typical of the uneven landscape of bilingual instruction.
Dobkin looked south across the uneven landscape.
Due to the city's very uneven landscape only an underground system could meet all of the criteria to efficiently move large numbers of people around the city.
Due to Yerevan's uneven landscape, the metro in some cases goes above ground.
Many remain unsure, calling the new landscape fragmented, uncoordinated and uneven in terms of resources.
Because of the city's uneven landscape, the metro stations are located on varying depths.
The city's uneven landscape, as well as its layout with a very dense city centre, prompted to combine deep and shallow stations.
Mr. Gormley is quick to point out that through the redevelopment agency, thousands of houses and several new schools now brighten the uneven urban landscape.