The third male came after him, straight up the hill, stumbling on his uneven legs, grunting and bellowing and wielding a crude spear.
A small table with two chairs - one of them askew on slightly uneven legs - was situated near the hearth.
Its uneven floor suggests Richard's uneven legs and his aim to get even.
Edith leaned forward in the unsteady chair, its uneven legs causing it to teeter slightly as she shifted her weight.
Thirty minutes ago he'd started cramming crime-scene photos under the uneven legs for better support.
Old, scratched and marred tables and chairs with uneven legs filled the room.
Vaughan sauntered around the room on his uneven legs.
As Vaughan arrived, striding on his long, uneven legs from the car-park, everyone looked round, watching this black-jacketed figure advance towards the motorcycle.
She leaned forward, carefully balancing herself this time when the uneven legs made her stool lurch.
The greaves went on like skin to Miles's uneven legs.