The field's surface, originally composed of AstroTurf, contained many gaps and uneven patches.
She went faster and faster, swinging round corners, bumping over uneven patches in the lane.
The warm uneven patches went through yet another metamorphosis, becoming fully transparent.
Aerin asked one afternoon as she applied an uneven patch to a skirt she had always detested, and glowered at the result.
Then she felt an odd, uneven patch of skin under her fingertips and went still.
His clothing had more or less dried on him, after its soaking in the vortex and lake; it glowed in uneven patches.
A few days later the few uneven patches were shaped up with a second mowing, with the greatest of ease.
LCD panels also have defects known as clouding (or less commonly mura), which describes the uneven patches of changes in luminance.
There are some uneven patches - notably an overwrought ending - but for the most part this is a gracefully understated novel.
No burn scars of any kind; no pocked and shiny skin; no uneven patches where flesh was grafted.