This illustrates yet again the somewhat uneven pattern of evolution, since crocodiles have in a sense regressed by returning to the water.
X-rays of bones affected by Paget's disease show an uneven pattern of bone growth.
As a result, the building has an uneven pattern of interior walls.
Riding with a white cloth under the saddle is used as a diagnostic tool to make uneven patterns more visible.
These include uneven sleeping patterns, finicky eating, learning disabilities, attention disorders and an expanding list of behavioral syndromes.
The skin flushes in a deep-purple, uneven pattern across the face.
Blue light spasmed across the vast bay from the engines, splashing the high bulkheads in uneven patterns.
Layers of paint of varnishes can be sponged on to create an uneven pattern.
The uneven pattern of European growth cycles tends to be mirrored in the currency markets.
However, the steady progress at the state level masked an uneven, zigzag pattern of improvement at the typical school.