"With the budget and trade deficits and an uneven recovery there are growing fears about the economy."
After five months of robust sales gains during the spring and early summer, the nation's housing markets have lapsed into a sluggish, uneven recovery.
Under such circumstances, they say they could accept an uneven recovery.
In part, other dynamics have kept interest rates low enough to steady the uneven economic recovery.
Seven years later, Illinois's second-largest city, like the rest of the industrial heartland, has made a slow, if sometimes uneven, recovery.
In most cases, businesses' plans are less stingy than at any time since last spring, when the halting and uneven recovery first got under way.
A manufacturing rebound is leading the economy in an uneven recovery, the Fed said in its "beige book."
But it has been a cruel and uneven recovery.
Despite the uneven American economic recovery, Samsung says it has surpassed most of its targets for the plant.
Anticipating an uneven recovery, Japanese managers said that they would cut capital spending by more than 8 percent this year, the Tankan showed.