Critics also say that regulations to prevent contamination of cattle food with nerve tissue are unevenly enforced.
"But there are also regulations that amount to discrimination, and laws are unevenly enforced, so it all hasn't made a big difference."
Laws prohibiting illegal animal trade are unevenly enforced.
He also enforced the city's residency rule for police officers and other city workers, which had previously been unevenly enforced.
While passage of the Wagner Act is commonly celebrated as a victory for organized labor, the law was unevenly enforced.
Libel is a punishable offence, though it is unevenly enforced.
But Islamic law is also unevenly enforced, and much of Pakistan remains open in many ways.
They also noted that existing sanctions against Sudan, which date back to 1997, have been unevenly enforced.
Poaching persists and the ban is unevenly enforced.
The rules are clear but unevenly enforced, and the representatives of authority-the referees-can be bribed.