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The otherwise uneventful evening had a feverish, three-homer outburst in the bottom of the sixth.
If Bobby was right when he said they might never see Frank again, Hal was in for an uneventful evening and would probably get half the book read.
She and her charges arrived off the Normandy beaches after an uneventful, but storm-tossed, evening.
Miss Wintertowne, on the other hand, appeared quite calm and collected, like a young lady who had spent a quiet, uneventful evening at home.
All the odds seemed against it and both young men were resigned to an uneventful evening when the snapper came.
"No." "In that case, unless you intend to force yourself on me, it's going to be a long, uneventful evening."
In most respects it was an uneventful evening, but something amazing did happen.
My husband - an American who also works for the commission - and I went to bed after an uneventful evening.
Of late it had become the habit with some to stroll by Madonna Benedetta's on uneventful evenings in the hope of diversion.
It was an uneventful evening for the starting quarterbacks as Buffalo beat host Philadelphia, 16-12, last night in the preseason finale for both teams.