The remaining 19 bombers and their escorting fighters had an uneventful flight to the Kaafjord area.
We got down there at about six o'clock after an uneventful flight.
It had been a long, slow, uneventful flight.
Even we felt the need for diversion from what was so far an uneventful flight too much like the previous ones.
Airlines are not required to report animal deaths, even on otherwise uneventful flights.
After an uneventful flight he reached Shopton at about half-past one the following morning.
After more than an hour of uneventful flight, his glider ran into cloud.
Mr. Hall said that the data show an uneventful and level flight, cruising at 33,000 feet.
They'd gotten back to Charleville before dark after an uneventful flight.
She could tell that they anticipated an uneventful flight until they arrived at the barrier.