It was planned as a public works project to stimulate heavy industry; it had an unexpected by-product.
It's possible that the radiator was designed to be a weapon but it had some unforeseen side effects, unexpected by-products.
Once again, this shift may be an unexpected by-product of branding ubiquity.
So what if they were a cosmic afterthought, an unexpected by-product of dark-matter art?
This was a totally unexpected by-product of the expedition, but a very pleasant one.
One unexpected by-product of his library and cyber research was the emails received from readers of his articles.
And as an unexpected by-product of celebration, I learned beyond any chance of confusion that the night dancer had been Mary La.
Work also substantially boosts network performance and throughput as unexpected by-product.
One unexpected by-product of the shift from formal legal organs to local administrative control was that criminal sentences became milder.
This often solves the mystery, but this result is only an unexpected by-product for Chuzenji.