Here was a chance, totally unexpected and all the more attractive for that, of really establishing himself in the history books.
He is given an unexpected second chance, however, when Mary returns to the theater under cover, seeking revenge.
In any event, he was determined to take every advantage of this unexpected chance to remain alive.
Instead he is a just a prisoner who acts out of necessity when he gets an unexpected chance to achieve amnesty.
Grasping the unexpected chance, she began worming away from the sounds of the fight.
Many corporate lobbyists say that this unexpected second chance at tax cuts may be the last one for a while.
The results, being published today, give women who have been considered hopelessly infertile an unexpected second chance, the researchers said.
A prisoner sees an unexpected chance to escape his handler, and he flees.
But here he was again, near the beginning of his unexpected second chance, feeling the promise of life still to come.
But, as Martha Stewart can tell you, life is full of unexpected second chances.