The unexpected colors and effects that infrared film can produce fit well with the psychedelic aesthetic that emerged in the late 1960s.
When the first new and unexpected colors hovered outside the weaving, Morwenna barely noticed.
A child joyfully creates animals in unexpected colors.
Not particularly nice reproduction chairs can be lacquered in unexpected colours.
On the original take of "Pinnacle," he measures out a tender solo that jars the harmony into releasing unexpected colors.
Replace banished black with a clashing spectrum of vividly unexpected colours.
But this season furniture designers are playing it both ways, adopting historic forms while pumping them up with modern materials and unexpected colors.
Then his gray flannels are revealed to be shot through with subtle stripes or checks in such unexpected colors as baby blue.
Their sale price had overcome the moment's hesitancy I might have had with the unexpected color.
And there were colors, but alien and unexpected.