The benign human has an ability to quickly understand novel solutions, and provide the ability to adapt to unexpected conditions.
When driving, you may have to react to an unexpected condition in a fraction of a second to avoid an accident.
The project took a year longer than planned, and unexpected structural conditions caused the price to rise, too.
Exceptions: Programs can encounter various errors and unexpected conditions of varying seriousness.
An error message is information displayed when an unexpected condition occurs, usually on a computer or other device.
And within limits, it would deal with unexpected conditions all the way to the surface.
Pilots had to depend on luck and quick thinking when they were caught in unexpected atmospheric conditions.
That is because once work starts, unexpected conditions are often encountered, particularly in older buildings, which may require custom parts.
Have some medicines for your unexpected bad condition.
It is strange how new and unexpected conditions bring out unguessed ability to meet them.