She looked at Old Nathan with an unexpected degree of appraisal.
The head of Oxide Reprocessing did not reveal that the danger level had jumped an unexpected three degrees on the previous day.
One letter reveals an unexpected degree of hero worship.
He wiped tears from his eyes, then lowered his hands and faced Daniel with an unexpected degree of dignity.
In the mid-1980s the Ekofisk field as a whole and the platforms in particular were found to be suffering from an unexpected degree of subsidence.
But the notion of never seeing this odd girl again caused him a most unexpected degree of grief.
In some inexplicable way I moved with an unexpected degree of self confidence.
We are back again to the idea that quantum systems exhibit an unexpected degree of togetherness.
It was an unexpected 100 degrees that day as I set out to find the local Catholic church.
And to an unexpected degree, the nature of this week's programs enhanced the resonance of the occasion.