Doughboy was driven back by the unexpected ferocity of the attack, but he recovered quickly.
The unexpected ferocity of Miss Michelet's attack in her toe work suggests how a basic vocabulary can be extended - into the future.
She fought him with unexpected ferocity.
Her dance of death is marked by an unexpected ferocity within the strict minimal limits of the choreography.
Appalled by the unexpected ferocity of the barbarians, the surviving horsemen fled.
'Because that's the way she is,' said Hester, with unexpected ferocity.
Kola overcame the piercing fright produced by Joseph's unexpected ferocity.
The horse bolted forward at the unexpected ferocity of his clamping legs.
The point being that I could, with a sudden attack of unexpected ferocity, cripple the thing so it couldn't run before it could get started.
Jozen and his men were laughing nervously from the sudden, unexpected ferocity.