Whitney was shocked by his unexpected gentleness and, worse, completely at a loss as to how to answer.
She seemed suddenly thoughtful and said with unexpected gentleness: "After that, Steve?
He really was the hugest man she'd ever seen, yet she found in him the most unexpected gentleness.
"You knew that hours ago, Doctor," Selar said with unexpected gentleness.
A moment later, he felt himself being pushed with unexpected gentleness up the sloping ramp.
She took a step toward me and said, with unexpected gentleness, "It's all right.
In the weeks that followed, she relaxed somewhat, primarily as a result of his unexpected gentleness.
The unexpected gentleness of her touch seemed to shock him silent.
"No one knows that," Lyra said with unexpected gentleness.
She joined the boy at his father's bedside, and spoke to him with unexpected gentleness.