He insisted that the lure of such names as Carl Lewis and Jackie Joyner-Kersee plus the promise of some dazzling competition by some 200 other track and field stars would make all the effort and unexpected headaches worth while.
But the cold weather caused unexpected headaches for the crowd at the Seventh Regiment Armory, at Park Avenue and 67th Street.
Despite Scheer's optimism the task of building a temple on the mountain top above the Citadel developed unexpected headaches.
For any severe unexpected headache.
A $1.1 billion acquisition of theme parks came with surprisingly poor profits and a host of unexpected headaches, like a $6 million settlement to buy back the rights for Sea World's Shamu the killer whale.
The state court plan also created an unexpected headache for Mr. Weprin by throwing his own local Congressman, Mr. Ackerman, in with another incumbent.
But as the Draper incident shows, the process can also create some unexpected headaches.
Scheduling has become an unexpected headache, they said, as people cancel cleaning appointments.
I DIDN'T WANT TO bother the new Mayor, who on top of all his other problems had the unexpected headache of the Bateau Mouche scandal to deal with, so I discussed his administration's emergency plan to bring Rio back on its feet with Vice Mayor Roberto D'Avila.