The canyon is so unexpected in both its location and appearance that it may take your breath away.
Too sudden, too unexpected after three years; out here in the dark, on the empty street.
And yet, even though Latham couldn't say the end had been unexpected, in some ways he still hadn't expected it.
Their deaths, though anticipated, might have been unexpected in timing.
Also unexpected in the Government's report was a decline of 27,000 manufacturing jobs last month.
"Many of these side effects, although serious, are not unexpected in this patient population."
The public room was not large, holding fewer than ten tables, with only two occupied, but that wasn't exactly unexpected in late afternoon.
His first work was to provide music for the television series Tales of the Unexpected in 1979.
Others said soldiers should be prepared for the unexpected in the military.
Although he couldn't, the tests were unexpected in some other ways.