Mr. Dinkle declined to be interviewed, but according to people at the meeting, he made an unexpected observation.
Even the most routine calibration requires a willingness to investigate any unexpected observation.
The catastrophic collapse of the Larsen B ice shelf in the space of three weeks during February 2002 yielded some unexpected observations.
The first semi-submersible resulted from an unexpected observation in 1961.
Until then, the reconsidered stereotypes and unexpected observations keep coming.
By most accounts, the expedition successfully completed and even exceeded its mission, particularly in regard to unexpected ethnological observations.
At the same time, the law created some unexpected social observations.
In case a previously unseen behaviour occurs, leading to an unexpected observation, it is impossible to give a diagnosis.
The concept of catch bonds were used to explain unexpected observations in which the strength of certain bonds increased as force was applied.
The current interest in Mercury is derived from the unexpected observations of Mariner 10.