While foreigners are not normally targeted during unrest, travellers should be alert to the possibility of being caught up in unexpected outbreaks of violence.
No solution appeared in sight when the unexpected outbreak of the Great War in 1914 put domestic issues on hold.
The planning and construction work continued several years, and as luck would have it, concluded just at the unexpected outbreak of the Yom Kippur War.
You are only allowed to use methyl bromide in emergencies, where unexpected outbreaks of particular pests and diseases occur.
The knights, at first taken back by this unexpected outbreak, finally burst into uproarious laughter.
The unexpected outbreak of blue mold has largely dashed their hopes of a windfall.
Certainly, Mogilny has something to do with this unexpected outbreak.
By chance, Emanuel and several of his friends find themselves in the wine cellar of the castle during the unexpected outbreak of nuclear war.
We all agree that it should start with communicable diseases and be able to respond to cases of unexpected outbreaks of unknown origin.
Changing land use in the area had blocked hospital sewage from draining properly, causing unexpected outbreaks of infectious disease among patients.