The Alpusta recoiled from his unexpected outburst, its legs clattering against the back wall.
The unexpected outbursts are challenging old ideas about the geology of the earth's northern polar regions and offering a new target for an expedition later this year.
Instead he continued, "Morgan," before she'd had time to react to his unexpected outburst.
As Rattner recently suggested in an unexpected outburst, the American car makers have a challenging road to reach success.
Bruenor went back on his heels at the unexpected and uncharacteristic outburst, but the halfling did not relent.
Killashandra managed to keep her expression composed during this unexpected outburst, especially when she realized that the younger subs were emotionally involved in their statement.
'The girl's ill,' my mother had declared as if this explained my unexpected outburst.
Her unexpected outburst halted the discussion in midsentence, and she pointed to Wolm.
Kaikeyi stood astonished and speechless, stunned by this unexpected outburst.
Killashandra said the first thing that came to mind, being slightly dazed by Antona's unexpected outburst.