It might have gone on till everyone collapsed in hoarse exhaustion, but the conflict was abruptly decided when one side got unexpected reinforcements.
Momentarily the six robots appeared to be confused because the situation had been changed by the unexpected reinforcements their single quarry had received.
A French retreat looked a distinct possibility when unexpected reinforcements arrived.
Stark was not the only beneficiary of unexpected reinforcements.
The result is that each note finds echoes in the overtones of another; there is more resonance and unexpected reinforcement between the notes.
James Bond was immensely reassured by finding these unexpected reinforcements.
One such company one morning received unexpected reinforcements.
When unexpected German reinforcements arrive, Bergman returns to Norway to try to gather more forces.
However, Zumalacárregui's unexpected reinforcement threw the Liberals into disorder.
The riders had rallied around the unexpected reinforcements, but one right before him had been wrapped by a monster and was being dragged from his horse.