This unexpected reply produced a roar from the gentlemen, while the boy grinned good-naturedly, though without the least idea what the joke was.
"Well, then," came the unexpected reply, "you can read, can't you?"
The messenger who had carried the letter brought her a most cruel and unexpected reply - that there would be no reply.
So he should be, had been Armbruster's unexpected reply.
This unexpected reply was heard with amazement by all present, and the Bassa entreated the speaker to tell them her story.
I started at her unexpected reply, and a kind of foreboding chilled my blood.
"He acquired her," came an unexpected reply from the doorway.
"Oh, but I think he will, if he depends on that map," was the unexpected reply.
I have just received a delightful and most unexpected reply.
Nicole was completely taken aback by the unexpected reply.