He immediately issued strong challenges to foreign creditors, the armed forces and the political establishment, which has opposed his unexpected rise to power.
The reasons for the unexpected rise and fall of the Burnt City are still wrapped in mystery.
Stocks tumbled after an unexpected rise in commodities prices that pushed bonds lower.
The unexpected rise in November construction spending that was reported yesterday pared some of the early market gains.
Gasoline prices fell sharply yesterday after a report showed an unexpected rise in stockpiles.
So far, though, the unexpected rise of the dollar has hurt investors who bet it would fall for the third consecutive year.
The firm suffered huge bond-trading losses last spring because of a sudden, unexpected rise in interest rates.
Another surprise was that the unexpected rise in interest rates did not have an overly adverse impact on the market.
Last month, city officials said they were overwhelmed with an unexpected rise in the number of homeless families.
C1 Germany reported an unexpected rise in unemployment.