At a short distance from that city they unexpectedly encountered the Vitellian troops.
In the living room, they unexpectedly encountered Exeter and Alicia coming in from the porch.
One night, while leaving a party with his wife, Alfred unexpectedly encounters Natalie in front of the hotel.
A moment before I had been wishing to hear just anything, but when it came it was like unexpectedly encountering a clammy hand in the dark.
While serving close surveillance in Libya, he unexpectedly encounters David who intends to rescue him out.
Kahlan worried that she might have sliced it too close to the bone, and that they could unexpectedly encounter a wall of bloodthirsty men.
The other man unexpectedly encountered Richard's sword thrust straight in with formidable muscle driving it.
Here again, we unexpectedly encountered another touch of the fabulous streak of luck Harlan enjoyed.
Shinya unexpectedly encounters a car accident, which results in a mother and son being taken to a hospital.
Hand tools will get the job done and are safer, because you can stop them immediately if you unexpectedly encounter a cable.