Taylor Woodrow, traditionally the most conservative of contractors, has just unexpectedly parted company with its chairman, Peter Drew.
They part unexpectedly, leaving the fire of love burning in Somen.
The review began when Nikon Inc., which makes cameras, optics products and digital imaging technology, unexpectedly parted ways with Fallon after eight years.
The review began when Timex unexpectedly parted ways with its agency of 16 years, the Minneapolis office of Fallon Worldwide, part of Publicis.
The review began in early May after Staples unexpectedly parted ways with Martin/Williams in Minneapolis, a unit of the Omnicom Group, after two years.
As he took one final step toward the tower, clouds parted unexpectedly.
It was going to be hard on Jack, parted unexpectedly from his Beverly.
Unfortunately they part unexpectedly when Loveland joins a theater troupe and suddenly leaves town, hoping that he can make some quick money as the troupe tours across the country.
As the parade ended, the clouds parted unexpectedly to let through welcome rays of sunshine.
The review began in April when Monster, formerly Monster.com, unexpectedly parted ways with Arnold, its agency of nearly three years.