The median album Fleurs 2 was released unexpectedly in November 2008.
On April 29, the first photo of the wedding ceremony was released unexpectedly causing much interest from the public.
He was unexpectedly released in March 2006.
Duffy was released unexpectedly during the 2010 season, and has not played professional baseball since.
She was unexpectedly released from her incarceration and returned home.
He was sentenced to four years in a military prison but was unexpectedly released in March 2006.
A major flood in 1943 was the result of water unexpectedly released by Jackson Lake Dam.
But his stay there was brief, and he was unexpectedly released.
The Princesses were suddenly and unexpectedly released from prison in September 1988, followed a year later by the men of the family.
But she was unexpectedly released in 1937 and made her way to Vienna.