Kirk was unexpectedly touched by Yang's confidence in him.
Tarkiel was unexpectedly touched by the wounded bo valiant effort.
Yet "The West Wing," essentially a fantasy about an idealized president and his staff, has unexpectedly touched a nerve.
He is unexpectedly touched.
"As I returned again and again I began to be unexpectedly touched by how much the experience moved me," she said.
She felt unexpectedly touched by the pain she detected beneath the hot words.
Gideon was unexpectedly touched by the sight of his daughter enfolded in Leo's arms there between the immense floral baskets Julia had ordered for the occasion.
Janeway looked at him for a moment longer, unexpectedly touched by his words, and nodded.
He hated being touched unexpectedly, and winced; then sighed as she apologised and flustered out.
Whippets are touch sensitive, meaning that they tend to jump or overreact when touched unexpectedly.