The latest wave of attacks is peculiarly intensive, but a number of unexplained incidents this year have targeted Government installations.
It is an unexplained incident, and in any case such moments were rarely visible to outsiders.
The people responsible for the attack were planning revenge against Provost's party for an earlier unexplained incident involving other trappers.
Several unexplained incidents are associated with Cadron-Jetté's death.
The term has since become television jargon for any unexplained incident that is mentioned on-screen.
The room is associated with various stories of unexplained incidents that have resulted in claims that the room is haunted.
"Another strange and unexplained incident to add to the rest that have occurred of late."
A tabloid reporter, Moffet, becomes involved with the group after several unexplained incidents.
We learned how and where ice can build up under very specific weather conditions that may have been responsible for earlier, unexplained incidents.
After these unexplained incidents, the boys recruit a local ghost hunter called Milton Guest to investigate.