Whether I would have worried about the law while investigating an unexplained noise in the middle of the night is another matter.
Reported to be the site of phantom lights, the sound of footsteps, and other unexplained noises.
She begins to hear unexplained noises, see disturbing visions, and experience other chilling paranormal phenomena.
Just the sort of unexplained noises thirty year or so.
Soon other unexplained noises were heard around the Bell house such as scratching and knocking sounds.
The thick forest that the road cuts through is known for unexplained noises and white apparitions.
There were several other unexplained noises during the rest of dinner, but Denny didn't get up to investigate them.
Combe Hall was full of unexplained noises, which everyone he asked attributed to the plumbing.
A large, sloping room located off the Queen's Chamber, named for an unexplained noise heard only here.
At about 8.00 p.m., the families began hearing strange and unexplained noises outside.