On 23 July they entered largely unexplored country, and were immediately affected by the extreme scarcity of water.
It's still mostly wilderness, unexplored country, great fishing and hunting, and some ruins that no one has yet explained.
This is unexplored country.
And the ride on her fast light-stepping little mare, alone and unattended, through the fresh-smelling leafy lanes into unexplored country, seemed just what she wanted at the moment.
If we continued on the same course, we are now to the north of Cape Blanco, near the unexplored country which skirts the great Sahara.
Orlando sat quiet for a moment, sensing that this particular unexplored country might be treacherous.
Ignoring other lengthy, but well-established routes, leaders of the mission opted to try a "short cut" by way of Escalante that would take them through almost completely unexplored country.
One lay to the south at the fringe of the unexplored country.
Here we are at last," said the doctor, "in an unexplored country!
The setting is a small settlement in an isolated Oregon valley, somewhere in the unexplored country that extends - infinitely, it would seem - west from Denver.