You would have had to travel on dirt roads, over rivers and through almost unexplored jungle.
They often do not follow existing trails but trek through unexplored jungles and mountains creating their own trail using topographic maps, compass and GPS (satellite guided navigation).
In his tale Marlow is a young man eager to see the unexplored African jungles.
A savage animal, dark, sinuous, prowling an unexplored jungle.
They were by now penetrating into completely unexplored jungle.
They were armed and strong and well aware of the dangers hidden in the unexplored jungle.
Mr. Qu'an had no intention of taking the troop, including tenderfoot town boys not yet twenty Venus years old, into unexplored jungle.
The half-mile trail (one way) was a bit crowded, and any fantasies we had of hiking through unexplored jungle were dashed by numerous trailside picnic shelters (originally built as honeymoon cottages).
You're going to overshoot by a hundred miles on your present course, and there's nothing out there but nineteen thousand miles of unexplored jungle!
At one time, more than 250,000 of them lived in walled cities of round stone houses and temples that stretched across Amazonas and down into the unexplored jungles of neighboring regions.