Thus the factor(s) cannot be released by differentiated hair cells but there is an unexplored possibility of generalized expression of neurotrophins at low levels in the undifferentiated epithelia.
The Transpressionist works are made to open up to us this ideal world and, finally, to extend the areas of unexplored possibilities.
He said in the interview that he believed this approach would uncover "a lot of unexplored possibilities" for conserving species while avoiding "economic collisions."
Visionary reedman/composer Maneri encouraged Vu to examine the unexplored sonic possibilities of the trumpet.
When he returned to the work 33 years later, it was likely because he felt that his earlier style retained unexplored possibilities.
In 1990, the Magill Book Reviews said "The author's whimsical sense of humor and his sense that the universe has many unexplored possibilities will arouse the interest of a wide readership."
There are unexplored possibilities about you.
The world that we adults have given you to grow up in is, I'm afraid, a father flat one: cut and dried, machine made, sadly lacking in unexplored possibilities and unexplained mysteries.
He made no account of the unexplored and explosive possibilities of human nature, of the unnameable terrors, and the yet more unnameable hopes.