His suit told him as much, chirruping with detailed analyses of the way the substrate was altering; quantum indices ticking towards unexplored new realms.
I was close to the wall, facing away from the direction I'd come, toward unexplored realms.
He could feel her burning from within as he sought to drive her beyond herself to an unexplored realm.
Yet Mingus avoided categorization, forging his own brand of music that fused tradition with unique and unexplored realms of jazz.
Taking new technology into unexplored realms of the earth is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I hope to repeat many times.
"This is a completely unexplored realm of the universe," he said.
From here onwards they were in unexplored realms of mind and body.
Yet Bisio avoids categorizations of music that fused tradition with unique and unexplored realms of jazz.
My new project led me into unexplored realms of psychology which I might otherwise have ignored.
The ecology of restoration: historical links, emerging issues and unexplored realms.