His old-man's voice trembled with unexpressed emotion.
Nothing the four women do is without an undercurrent of intense, unexpressed emotion.
Persistent thought patterns and unexpressed emotions ultimately manifest in our physical bodies.
But "A River Runs Through It" makes the Macleans' unexpressed emotions and religious affinity with the natural world moving and believable.
His deep voice was gruff with unexpressed emotion.
"Analysis-bringing these problems, and his unexpressed emotions into the open-would be suggested."
Dax paused; a lump of unexpressed emotion welled in her throat.
The therapist can work to help the client with closure of unfinished Gestalts ("unfinished business" such as unexpressed emotions towards somebody in the client's life).
The boy smiled, and then threw his arms around his father's neck, hugging him with an entire lifetime of unexpressed emotion.
Undoubtedly it was the influence of the day's events, the intense, unexpressed emotions of the funeral, what was said and what left unsaid.