We are deeply grateful for the unfailing support and guidance he devoted to making possible our new campus.
For the past 50 years, Walter nurtured our agency with his honesty, judgment, love and unfailing support.
At first life seemed strange and lonely without the belief which, though he never realised it, had been an unfailing support.
He nurtured our growth with his honesty, judgement and unfailing support.
The unfailing support of my wife sustained my will to live.
Stephen nurtured our agency with his honesty, judgment, love and unfailing support.
The adults gave unfailing support to the goals and ideas that students put forth.
His unfailing support of the Americans would not protect him from harm.
Suddenly, you forget the silly differences and remember the warmth and unfailing support.
I should like to express my thanks for all the efforts made and for the unfailing support and the help along the way.